



Out of every purchase, Stripe deducts a fee representing approximately 5% of the total purchase, for their payment processing services.

  • Base Fee: 2.9% + 30¢
  • Subscription fee: 0.7%
  • Tax Fee: 0.5%
  • Total: 4.1% + 30¢


Via Stripe Climate, Toastcat LLC has opted to donate an additional 2% of all revenue to carbon removal projects.

Climate change is as real as it is pressing. To protect the things we love and the moments we cherish, action must be taken now. Change cannot wait.

Please note that Toastcat LLC is not politically neutral. We are unashamed to admit that we support science, and the political parties that do the same. While we can accommodate customers of all* political persuasions, we will not hesitate to use our platform to advocate for the causes we believe in, and we respectfully ask that the people who disagree take their business elsewhere.

* Within the ToS.

Additional Giving

Pinefore is small, but as we grow we intend to give back.

Once we have a full time employee, we intend to join the OSS Pledge, committing to donate $2000/y/employee to open source projects.

Additionally, once this milestone is reached, we intend to donate a portion of our surplus to indie authors around the internet. Stay tuned.