



I like to keep things simple around here. Here are the terms:


Content may be removed without notice.

You must only use the service for personal reasons, at a reasonable rate, for its intended use case. For instance, flooding the service with links for the purpose of promotion is disallowed.

More formally, the social systems work best if individual users go about their individual things. Attempting to intervene and exploit the nature of these systems is not allowed.

You must not automatically create and update content. These operations must be preformed as a result of user action. For instance, a mobile front end application is allowed, but a cron job that ingests the homepage of hacker news every hour is not.

Likewise, all other usage is governed by reasonable discretion.

You must not create links to pages that knowingly:

  1. Serve pornographic content
  2. Act as a storefront for guns, illegal things, tobacco, alcohol, and/or drugs
  3. Allow hate to run rampant
  4. Distribute malware, run scams, or commits other crime

And you especially should ensure links to these things are private.


You must use the service in accordance with all local laws and regulations, and the laws and regulations of the United States and Germany.

Notification is provided 30 days before all charges. You can cancel at any time.

If you do not pay for the service within 30 days, your account will simply be deleted. Deleted accounts cannot be restored. It is better this way.

Unfortunately, this agreement can be changed at any time. Fortunately, you will be notified of all changes to this agreement, even if I’m just correcting typos.

You have a right to be notified breaches and downtime within 24 hours of me becoming aware of them. If I’m out camping or something and I don’t have internet, you might need to wait a little longer. I’m sorry about that.

You have a right to privacy. I will never sell your data.

You have a right to be notified 30 days before shutdown, unless I get hit by a bus (read: I am physically unable to do so)

You have a right to export all your data in a reasonable amount of time a reasonable number of times.

In the event of prolonged periods of inaccessibility or shutdown, I will provide you with your export automatically, if it is technically feasible for me to do so. In the event of shutdown, this export will be made available for a minimum of 30 days.

You are not allowed to use the site data to train AI.

Please be nice to other users, the planet, and puppies