


Refund Policy

Pinefore offers refunds for any charges within 14 days. To initiate a refund, please contact us from the email associated with your account. Credit will not be refunded — only the amount that was charged to your card.

When you refund, the process described under "What if I don't want to resubscribe?" will resume from the date you were originally charged.

Trial Terms

When you create your account, you may opt for a 7 day "trial". Like most trials, we want to give you a holistic sense of the platform. Unlike most trials, we don't need your credit card. I know 7 days is a bit odd. Consider it to be a demo account. Despite the fact that most of the platform can be used without an account, it doesn't feel that way.

If somehow we're not right for each other, you should email me and let me know how Pinefore can improve. I take customer feedback very seriously. Next, just wait the remaining days on your trial. I'll email you three times: Once 3 days before as a gentle nudge, then 1 day before to remind you I'm deleting it, and once to let you know your data is gone. No need to worry about data living forever in a service you don't use.

What if I don't want to resubscribe?

Cancel. Pinefore will continue to work the rest of your cycle. Come end, we will remove your personal information from our database.

How will I be charged?

Here is a timeline of what will happen for paying users:

  • -30 days: We email you to tell you that you will be charged soon.
  • 0 days: We try to charge your payment method on file (unless you cancelled). If issues arise, we try a few more times. We email you to let you know that something is wrong, and we remind you that we delete the data of inactive accounts after 30 days.
  • 7, 14 & 25 days in, if payment failed: We will remind you that your payment failed and that we're deleting your account soon for privacy. We offer account downloads. We remind you that if you don't want the account anymore, you can just ignore the emails.